Hi, I'm James. An architectural designer based in Denver, CO.
I’m energized by a collaborative process and shine when it comes to holistic, human-centered design & problem solving. I've brought a keen interest for design, craft, detailing and digital practice/BIM to a variety of project scales and phases across 3 different offices in California (3½ years) and Sweden (3½ years).
Although I make a diligent practice of balancing big picture gestalt with intimate details I’m partial to materiality and the human scale. I seek to bring craft, rigor, and good fun to any team I’m working on.
The brunt of my experience is iterating ongoing design alternatives for client presentations, design development & documentation, tectonic detailing, and consulting & managing complex Revit+BIM strategies.
I think deeply about intentional methodologies and seek to help lead the profession into an evermore human-centered, ecological, & artful design orientation. I feel at home in a culture that pushes the limits of design excellence.
In my free time I enjoy drawing & painting, hiking & camping, traveling abroad, building furniture, road cycling, VR tech & concept art, and vibrant conversation with close friends! Always up to meet neat people. Get in touch!